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one’s prospective business contact
未来的生意伙伴  detail>>
business contact
业务往来  detail>>
 adj.  1.将来的,未来的 (opp. retrospective )。 2.有希望的;预期的。  短语和例子  ...  detail>>
one revolution contact
转一转接触一次触头  detail>>
conduct one’s business
处理政务  detail>>
go about one’s business
从事某人的事业  detail>>
mind one’s own business
管好自己的事  detail>>
none of one’s business
与某人无关  detail>>
one man business
独资经营  detail>>
one-family business
独户单干  detail>>
one-man business
独资公司 一人公司  detail>>
run one’s own business
经营某人自己的事业  detail>>
wind u(one-s) business to
闭业;关店  detail>>
one-way consumer truck rental business
单程客户载重汽车出租业务  detail>>
a prospective buyer
可能的买主  detail>>
aerial prospective
空间透视  detail>>
juror prospective
待选陪审员  detail>>
market prospective
预期市场  detail>>